Can I register a dog with more than handler? There is a co-owner of the dog – should they be listed?
Since the focus and philosophy of C-WAGS stresses the teamwork of dog and handler, you are encouraged to register the team that is working together – one handler, one dog. Usually in a household one person is the dog’s training partner so it makes sense to have the titles come in only that person’s name, even though both people may technically “own” the dog.
If more than one person trains and shows the same dog you can each register separately and have your own number and competition record. As titles are earned the certificates generated would reflect the actual team that earned that title. A lot of the dogs Junior Handlers register are also registered with a parent. The Junior receives titles they earn in their name. The parent receives titles they earn in their name. It works the same if it is two adults. The only restriction on multiple registered handlers for a single dog is that the dog can only enter one class one time. Example – Obedience Level 1 is offered twice at a show. The dog can enter the first round with one of his human partners, and the second round with another. But both people cannot enter the first round of the class.
In some cases there may be a reason that you need to have another person listed on the registration forms, thus the titles generated with both names. Such as breed club awards. Sometimes two people working and competing with the dog just want to be one team with the dog. We can accommodate two people listed on the registration.
Should I enter “A” or “B” division of a class?
The only purpose of the “A” and “B” divisions is for placement awards. In general, when you enter a class you want to be competing for placements against dogs with the same level of experience. So when you look at the exercises in the class you are entering – are these newer to your dog exercises? Or has your dog gotten titles (from C-WAGS or any other venue) and had a lot of experience with these exercises? The “A” division should be used when your dog has not ever, anywhere titled at this level of exercises. The “B” division would be used when your dog has titled somewhere at this level or above.
How old does my dog have to be to compete?
Six months for any class without jumps. One year for a class with jumps. A dog younger than 6 months could enter as “For Exhibition Only” if the trial host was accepting FEO entries.
What is the Junior Division and does a child have to compete in the Junior Division?
The Junior Division is for youth under 16 years of age and under. They receive separate placements and have a few special considerations during judging. If a young person wished to compete for placements with the adults they could do so by entering the regular A or B division. They would just have to make sure the trial host was aware that was their intent.
What is the minimum age for a Junior Handler?
There is no minimum age. The Jr. Handler Division is open to any youth 16 years and under as long as they are able to safely control their dog.
Is there a Veteran’s Division?
No there is not. We do have jump height modifications available that would allow a dog to jump under the set jump height. In the Rally program there are classes (Zoom) that do have sits, downs or halts that are easier on the dog. The Games programs have short courses, and most of the Grab Bag games would be easier on the dog.
Can I have a friend run my dog in a trial class?
Only as an FEO entry. No credit would be given for any qualifying score. As much as sometimes we want to say to our trainer, or training partner/friend- “here you take my dog in, he works better for you” - Remember it is our training partnership and team work with our dog that counts.
When my dog earns a title do I have to move up to the next level?
No. You may continue to compete in the same class indefinitely. And at the same time earning qualifying legs towards the ACE title, which may be earned multiple times at the same level.
Can anyone participate, or do they need experience to compete?
People don't need dog show/trial experience. The handler should be familiar with the rules, and have trained their teammate (dog) for the exercises in the classes they enter (see rules and exercises on website). The dog (and handler) should be friendly with other people and dogs.
Does my dog need to have “papers” or be registered to participate?
Dogs do not need any other “papers” than to be registered with C-WAGS. We welcome all types of dogs, including rescues and mixed breeds. Of course, purebreds are also welcome. To receive credit for any class participation you and your dog would need to be registered with C-WAGS, unless entering strictly as For Exhibition Only.
FEO can be offered by trial Hosts. This allows those that may not want to register their dog to try C-WAGS, or teams to try an advanced class where they would be allowed to help their dog more. Entries as FEO are not eligible for placement, nor are any scores recorded.
Can a handler or dog with disabilities compete?
We welcome both handlers and dogs with disabilities.
What can C-WAGS can bring to your training facility/club?
C-WAGS trials may be hosted by clubs, training facilities or individuals. A trial can be successfully organized by one or two people, utilizing exhibitors/students as volunteer stewards – possible in exchange for lunch or a certain number of runs depending on their involvement.
By having your clients/ students involved in the trial they gain knowledge and feeling of belonging to your group along with having a venue your clients can actually go out and compete earlier in their training. You have a greater chance of retaining these clients for the duration of their competition careers and/or their dogs’ lives.
League Play – Opportunity for a trial to be hosted over a period of time (up to six dates) instead of all in one weekend. Most are hosted on a week-night, which also allows those people who have to work weekends to participate. Hosts are encouraged to have a celebration or banquet at the end with awards presented then.
Before someone applies to become a judge do they need to earn certain titles in C-WAGS?
No, a person can apply to become a judge prior to earning any titles in C-WAGS. For areas currently without local judges, this allows you to greatly reduce the cost of your judges for a trial if you have a few people willing to become judges. C-WAGS also has experienced judges and advocates who are ready and willing to help promote C-WAGS in your area and will work with you at keeping expenses/costs reasonable and affordable.
What are some examples of Games?
Grab Bag games are a set of timed challenges. The judge will pick 3 challenges for the class. For example:
- Can you send your dog out 15' around 2 different items?
- Can your dog perform 4 basic commands with you sitting in a chair and using verbal cues only?
- Can your dog go pick up items, bring them back, and put them in a container?
Colors, Team, Pairs and Black Jack are based on Rally with short modified courses and scoring. Games are a Pass or Fail with no placements given.
Why are “Work” and “Games” BOTH important?
To a dog, a trick is no different than a sit. Each is just a foreign behavior to the dog, initially. When people train “tricks”, they seem to be more relaxed. They don't see it as important. Both parts of the team actually learn a lot about each other by teaching tricks. Play is an important part of training, as well as the relationship between handler and dog. Games are just a variation of that.
If your question isn't answered here or on our website, please feel free to contact us at
Shirley Ottmer